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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Franks Adventure 4

Wow theres a 4th to this game?
(graphics 8.8)
(fun 8.9)
(overall 8.9)

goal- you go around trying to collect naked photos ;)


Guide to all pics:

First as you start the game go up into the maze. Go straight forward to first screen, skip this path to your left and go straight forward further until you see a sort of cat-like creature. Take the path to the left and keep going until you intersection to go left or right. Take the left path and claim a 'Rope'. Now retrace your steps back.

Back on the screen with the cat-creature. Go up. You'll see two possible directions; down or right. Take the right path. Now continue until you come to a screen with a lot of directions (2 up and 1 left). Take the up-path the most far right and keep going up until you reach an 'Empty Bucket' pick it up and retrace your steps outside of the maze.

Now, back in Weedsterdam. Keep going right until you reach the Airport, then go down until you reach a strange person called 'Titbear'. He gives you $50 to get him 5 Titbeers. As said, go down until you reach the screen with the floppy (save if you like). then keep going left until you see a screen with a vending machine. Buy as much Titbeers as you're able to. Return to the Titbear, give him the Titbeer, he'll give you another $50. Go get Titbeer again and use all your money. This way it'll increase.

Anyway, keep doing that until you have ~$1000. Save.

Now to start the game. On your way to the Titbear there's a Used Panty Vendor. Buy one. Then further in-town there's a flower girl. Buy a tulip with the following colors: 'Pink (middle down), Red and Orange'. Then go left until you see a drugsdealer selling you Heroine for $70. Buy it.

Go back into the maze. Remember the place with all the directions? Well, instead of the far-right up-path, take the path to the right. Keep going (it's quite long) until you see man with a Mausland-like face. He talks about Van Gogh paintings and such. Give him the Heroine. You'll receive a Nudepic.

Now retrace back to Weedsterdam. Keep going far right and enter the airport (make sure you don't do this with drugs at hand).

Now in Glamourville, it's time to earn some Nudepics! Leave the airport. You'll see Speedmaster. Pass him and go to the right screen. There go down and you'll see a Panda. He'll ask you the name of the professor in FA3, tell him the name is 'ZOCK' (Z-O-C-K). You'll get a nudepic.

Go right to a screen and you'll see a girl (Natsumi) saying she likes it here in Glamourville. Remember this screen well. Go back to Speedmaster and pay him $100 to write 'Natsumi' on the place the girl was located (it's the middle column, second row from the bottom). Go to that place and see the air message. She'll thank you and give you her nudepic.

Go right and then go down to the docks and go to the far left, there's a sewage plant. Turn to the water and use your bucket. Then go to the far right of the docks and there's a guy who'll ask for a panty. Give him the one you bought and he'll give you some 'Frog Eyes'.

Go up past the Shooting Gallery until you have a screen with a carrot. At this screen turn left and you'll see the Carrot Field. Use your bucket with poisoned waste on it to, well, poison it. Talk to the farmer and he'll give you a 'Poisoned Carrot'.

Go bak to the right and then go up to the top of the screen. You'll see a robot here. You've probably noticed the baseballs lying around in Glamourville. Well this guy pays $4 for every one you find.

Go the right and you'll see a voodoo-shop. Talk to the lady and give here the frog eyes and she'll give you an 'Invisibility Potion'. Now retrace your steps and go to the Shooting Gallery. Shoot 7 Targets with 10 Bullets, that means you can only miss thrice. Focus on the back row for more succes.

If you have about 2~3 pigs. Go back to the docks and you'll see a Dick's Diner. Go in here, Roast all your pigs (use the raw pigs).

Then go right, go up here. In the screen with the Football field go left again to the screen with Natsumi, go left to the screen with the Pand, go up to the next screen and go up again until you see a girl with her bodyguard. While talking to the Bodyguard, use a roast pig so that you can talk to Paris Milton. While talking to her, give her the Red, Orange and Pink Tulips and she'll give you her 'Hello Titty Handbag'.

Now go down, to the left and back to the Airport. It's time to go back to Weedsterdam.

Go right until you see a kid with his bunny. Give him the poisoned carrot and the bunny will die. He'll give you a cage.

Now go down until to the very end until you reach the Weed shop. Go in here and buy '11 Grams'. Also from here, go to right until you see girl. Talk to her and give her the Hello Titty handbag and you'll receive another nudepic. Sweet.

Now, go back to the Airport and buy your ticket. Now use your Invisibility Potion to pass the Security Guard. Now in Weedsterdam, you'll have the 11 Grams with you.

Go down until you see a bearded man, talk to him and give him the rope, the cage and he'll make you a lobster cage. Go down to the docks. The next screen you'll see a Save Floppy. Go use the lobster cage right opposite of the floppy disc and get a 'Lobster'. Now go further right past Dick's Diner until you see a girl. Give her a gram and she'll give you a nudepic.

Go up and talk to the Football player. Give him 10 Grams and he'll give you a 'Football'. Then go left, past Natsumi and left again. In the screen with the Panda go up. The next screen up again, the next screen with Paris up again and you'll see a parked car with a man. Talk to him, give him the football and he'll take you for a ride. When taking the ride, you'll see a girl on your way (where the guy will yell 'Hey Chica!' to her). Go back to the girl and claim a nudepic.

Back to the guy with the car. Go right and you'll see Bill Clinton. Give him the Lobster and he'll give you a 'MicMac' in return. Fly back to Weedsterdam.

Back in Weedsterdam. Keep going left to the screen with the entrance to the maze and go down. Go down the next screen and on the following screen, on a corner, you'll see a girl. Talk to her and give her the burger. She'll give you your final nudepics.

Now go the maze, back to the place with all the directions, take the middle-up now. Go up the next screen and you'll see you can go 3 ways here. Take the upper-left one. Keep going (for about 6 screen). At one point you'll see a 2-way possibility of one going left and one going up. Go up to reach the Castle. Talk to the king and sell him all the Nudepics.

You've won, congratulations.


Somewhere in Glamourville (the far right of the city, the screen under the screen with the robot), you'll find a Brain.

Now in Weedsterdam, the way to go up to the King. On the place with the 3 directions (of which you had to take the upper-left to reach him) take the lower-left. Keep going until you see a girl. Give her the brain she'll give you the nudepic.


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